Eating solo 4: stir-fried vegetables with leftover bacon and tomato

I really hate having lots of dishes to wash, and so I tend to go for one-pot/one-wok/one-pan meals. For dinner tonight I stir-fried lettuce, green beans, baby corn, onion and garlic with light and dark soy sauce. I threw in the fried tomato and bacon leftover from breakfast, which I chopped up into bite-sized pieces. The lettuce was the heart of an old one sitting in the fridge, the green beans were on the verge of turning brown and the baby corn was from the half tin leftover from Friday night’s dinner. There’s really no recipe – it’s pretty much just as I’ve described. I just washed and roughly tore the lettuce up before throwing it into the wok (I don’t bother spinning the lettuce, I throw it in still wet). The green beans I cut on an angle and the baby corn spears were cut in half lengthways. Of course this was all served with rice.

Stir-fried vegetables with leftover bacon and tomato in the wok

And I’m very pleased that there’s another serve ‘s worth leftover for tomorrow! It’s cooling in the microwave, which is our Pixel-free food cooling area.

Stir-fried vegetables with leftover bacon and tomato with rice

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