Dinner and recipe – Jac’s meatloaf, sauteed vegetables and mashed potatoes

Jac made meatloaf for dinner and served it with sauteed vegetables (cabbage, onion, mushroom, zucchini, green beans and peas) and garlic mashed potatoes.

Jac's meatloaf, steamed greens and mashed potatoes

Jac knows I love meatloaf that has hard-boiled egg in the centre, so when she makes meatloaf she always makes sure to include the hard-boiled egg. I love the tomato sauce glaze too. We’ve used barbecue sauce before, but tomato sauce is my favourite.

I’ve posted this recipe before, but people keep asking about it so here it is again:

Recipe: Jac’s meatloaf

Serves 4 – 6, depending on serving size, accompaniments and appetites (of course!). For the two of us, this makes three or so meals.

250 g turkey mince
250 g sausage mince
Half a cup of finely chopped celery
One small onion, very finely chopped
1 heaped teaspoon dry mustard
1/4 cup of breadcrumbs
3 tablespoons Worchestershire sauce
4 eggs
Salt and pepper to season
Tomato ketchup for glazing the meatloaf


  1. Pre-heat oven at a fairly low temperature of 160-180C (depending on your oven).
  2. Hard-boil 3 of the eggs and then remove the shells.
  3. Mix all the other ingredients together well. The last egg should be mixed in raw, helping to bind the mixture.
  4. Put the meatloaf mixture in a greased loaf pan (we used a 22-cm non-stick pan and sprayed it with canned canola spray). Make a “canal

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