Return of the loaded tiffin

Last Thursday Jac’s mum’s friend E cooked us another lovely meal, packed in her three-tiered tiffin carrier. Fantastic timing, as Jac was at hockey after work and I would’ve been far too lazy to cook much for my dinner. As it turned out, I was able to simply dig into this wonderful spread of home-cooked goodies.

Tiffin carrier of goodies

E left a little note explaining what the dishes were. There was potato and sweet potato bujia, topped with sprigs of fresh coriander*:

Potato and sweet potato bujia

Lentil rice (the woody brown thing in the centre is star anise):

Lentil rice

And my favourite, chicken in honey and tomato with spices. E had used a mixture of boneless dark meat chicken pieces and drumsticks. The chicken was succulent, the sauce deliciously savoury, and the cooked onions soft and sweet. I hope E will share this recipe with us.

Chicken in honey and tomato with spices

Those tiffin carriers hold a deceptively large amount of food. This was my plate, quite generously loaded by me. There was still enough for Jac to take some to lunch the next day and a little left for me to have another round for breakfast!

Potato and sweet potato bujia, lentil rice and chicken in honey and tomato with spices

Thank you, E!

*You know, I’ve long professed a hatred of coriander, but it seems to be growing on me as the years go by. I don’t think I’ll ever actively seek it out, but I am a lot more tolerant of its presence in dishes than I used to be.

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